Yesterday was our last day in Hong Kong and to end the trip we took a ferry to Cheung Chau Island. This is a small island 10 km southwest of Honk Kong Island. It was an hour long ferry ride! It was a very interesting place to see. It is a fishing village, so it is a much poorer place than the mainland of Hong Kong.
view of Hong Kong Island from the ferry
us on the ferry, notice the ferry is wood
skyline with the smog
the habor of the island
Downtown on the island
It is the alleged hiding place of Cheung Po Tsai (張保仔), a famous 19th century pirate. It has a pirate cave, which of course Davis had to see. As soon as we arrived on the island we made way for the pirate cave, along the way we saw a boat sinking in the habor and another boat trying to pull the sinking boat up, all the while there were people scooping out water with buckets on the sinking boat.
boat sinking
full view of the 2 boats
When we finally arrive at the cave, there is an Asian woman sitting outside selling flashlights....only problem with this is that she speaks NO English! So we didn't even know which way the cave was...up, down, to left because there were holes in the rocks in all of these places and we didn't know which one to take. We also didn't know if we were going to have to crawl or if we could walk through it. ALL WE KNEW IS THAT WE NEEDED A LIGHT! We didn't even know how much she wanted for the flashlights. So, I decided that I was NOT going! and then an Asain man and his son showed up and they could translate!! Yay! So we found out that no crawling was involved (I do not do caves that I have to crawl through) and that the flashlights were $10HKD with $4HKD refundable deposit at the end. So we forged onward and into the cave we went!
the No English lady
Davis standing in the cave entrance
fitting through a tiny space
outside the cave
After the cave we walked forever trying to find the peak! I have no idea how far we walked before a man asked us if we needed help while we were contemplating over a map. He pretty much told us that we were on the wrong side on the island and so we gave up on seeing the peak of the island and decided it was time to eat. This island is known for it's good seafood so we were on a seafood hunt. We parked ourselves at a tiny outdoor restaurant and enjoyed sitting down for a while.
me with all of our food
this is how the people get to their boats from looks so unstable, but they were pros!
Dave at lunch
sipping his hot tea
our view at lunch...this is not zoomed in, they seat you right next to the water
The laneways are so narrow that normal motor traffic is impossible. Instead, there are small motorized trucks officially termed "Village vehicles"
they don't have cars, so there are bicycles everywhere Village police car (their roads are like our sidewalks so no normal sized cars)
I love cotton candy especially when it is 50 cents!! amazing!
making my cotton candy fresh because it's sooo humid the cotton candy melts like ice cream
cemetary...the graves look like little houses on the hillside from far away
view on the island
2 more boats sinking
Poisonous Rat-Bait, yuck! on the fast ferry (they have 2 ferries, the standard and the fast), our ride home was only 30 min the packed subway
Davis in his new suit
the inside of his jacket
outside of the Peninsula, the most expensive place to stay
last night
my drink at Felix, a bar on the 28th floor of the Peninsula
We had dessert every night and sometimes we had it 3x a day (no kidding)!
1 comment:
Wow, everything looks so cool! Great job taking pictures and documenting everything for us to see :) Nice new clothes too!
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