Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Birthday Love

Today is JUNE 3rd & that means it is my BIRTHDAY and I love my birthday! My birthday is like one of my favorite holidays because
1. I love being around all the people I love
2. I love getting to say "because it's my birthday"
3. I love throwing parties
4. I love that it is in June (summer) and that it evenly spaces out Christmas (the other major present receiving holiday)! My parents did an excellent job!
5. I also love the number 3 (it's a great number)

Now that you know that I absolutely love this day....I will let you know how I have spent it thus far and am going to continue to celebrate tonight!

This morning my sometimes wonderful husband made me pancakes (my favorite) and then I hit the pavement for a 10 mile run :( The marathon is officially 3 weeks from Saturday and I can stop this running madness!

I then proceeded in taking a shower and fixing myself a Tuna sandwich (another favorite). I then was off to work to spend the gorgeously HOT day with Viv. Viv and I had a wonderful day of reading and playing in the shade!

Tonight Davis is taking me somewhere I have wanted to go to for months.....The Can Can (It's a cabaret dinner show) and I am super pumped! I will post pictures soon.

Hope everyone had an amazing June the 3rd as well!

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