Well, I'm almost finished with training here in Scottsdale. Tomorrow we have about half a day of class, then we have presentations for the rest of the day. And Friday I'm thinking is going to be more of a wrap-up day. We actually finish at 3:00pm on Friday, but my flight does not leave Phoenix airport until 6:55pm. If all goes as planned, I'll be landing in Seattle about 10pm.
One cool bit of exciting news is that Cindy and I might get to be on an episode of HGTV's "Hidden Potential". Back when we were in Knoxville and had free cable, our TV would generally stay on HGTV. When we got to Seattle, Cindy went online and applied to be on a couple of their TV shows. Well just the other day I got a phone call from a guy with Hidden Potential who said he was forwarding me step two of the application process and that they are sending a scouting crew to Seattle in mid-September to check the finalists out. According to what they think of our round two application, we could be having a camera crew come check out our apartment for the final round.
For those of you who haven't seen the show, Cindy and I would basically give them a number for our total budget for a home. Instead of them taking us around to see homes that cost around our max budget, they take us to houses that are well below our budget and spend the remaining budget completely customizing renovations on the inside of the home. So in the end you get a home for exactly what you wanted to spend AND it is completely customized how you like it. Its pretty cool. I'm not really getting my hopes up yet, I just thought it was something cool and I wanted to share it with everyone.
And to end...a funny picture:

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