Saturday, February 27, 2010

Viv turns 2!!!

Today was Vivian's birthday party although technically her birthday is Feb 29th, she's a leap year baby! Viv is really into storytelling and pretend things this year, so Davis made her sock puppets for storytelling and I made her a tu-tu for dress up. We also got her a pirate's hat and stickers because she loves stickers!

We had a good time watching Viv in all of her birthday glory. She loved every minute of today and I am sure she will sleep well tonight. Apparently she is a superhero who can put out fire with one touch, she demonstrated this for us today with her birthday candles and no crying. She is one tough kid!

eating her cake
licking the cake
in her pirate hat
sock puppets
Roo in Viv's cowgirl hat
opening presents

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