Saturday - This was our biking day. We bike to West Seattle which is along the coast and it is absolutely beautiful. I don't have pictures of the trip this time because Davis had taken my memory card out of my camera, but I promise I will take some next time. The trip was approximately 14 miles which was the furthest we had gone by far. After getting home I made my 1st ever homemade pizza with a homemade wheat crust. It was sooo good. I forgot to take a picture because we were so hungry after the bike ride. Then after dinner we went to Rocky Mtn Chocolate Factory and Davis bought me a "Mudslide Apple". It was a granny smith apple covered in caramel, rice krispies, marshmallows, chocolate chips, milk chocolate, and white chocolate. I did get pictures of this monster. It was delicious and I am in love that we are so close to all these great eateries.
Sunday - Davis made pancakes for breakfast. He is the best pancake maker ever besides my momma of course. Although there is NO Karo corn syrup out here anywhere. Don't fret, I found some online. Which is another thing I forgot to mention I could not find any Stauffer's animal crackers ourt here and I am in love with animal crackers, but I found some online so I ordered me 3 bags last week. I was super excited about it. I will have to order some Karo syrup soon. We were lazy most of the day! I made steaks and sweet potatoes for dinner..yum!
Movies/TV series we watched: One Tree Hill (I am now in season 4), Chuck, The Office, Family Guy, There Will Be Blood, Postal, Leatherheads, Poisidon, Ghost Rider, and Space Jam.
Movies I watched while Davis was gome: Mona Lisa Smile, The Holiday
Davis watched The Incredible Hulk while gone
Tip: Don't waste your time on There Will Be Blood or Postal!
Pictures of the Mudslide Apple:
1 comment:
Only if you fail to understand the seriously subtle similarities between the preacher and the oil man, then don't waste your time. However, to anyone that gives a shit about anything*, those similarities should leave you deeply scarred by the end of the movie.
*To clarify. Things that only I think matter are, in most cases, the only ones that do.
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