Friday night we enjoyed our favorite Mexican happy hour with a $3 food menu and then stopped at Red Robin for HUGE milkshakes (they are so yummy!). We then came home and watched Lakeside Terrace with Samuel L Jackson (it was an alright movie).
Saturday we went to Alki beach in West Seattle and it was lined with volleyball courts...there was some sort of tourney taking place. It was soo nice out and Davis's feet got really burnt.
That night I participated in my friend, Carly's, fashion show at her school. She is a design major at SPU and they put on a show every year. This year's theme was the oppression of humanity and how it was relieved through Christ in the 1970-2000's. Each designer had a different decade to design for and they all did a great job. I was so very proud of Carly. Her designs were definitely the best and she put the whole show together and it turned out great!
After the show Davis, Tito, and I went to Palamino's for the $5 pizza happy hour. It was great as always!
leaving Palamino's
Today we went on the Ride the Ducks tour through Seattle and Lake Union. The ducks are amphibious vehicles that are well know in Seattle because they are always touring. I had been wanting to go because I like to learn new stuff about the city we live in and Tito was in town so it was a perfect opportunity! We learned quite a bit...such as the original color of the Space Needle was orange (Go Vols!) and Seattle has the highest per capita boat ownership.
After the duck tour Davis and I ran our long run of 14 miles and the enjoyed cheeseburgers and fries on the roof! If you can't tell we/I LOVE the roof!