Yesterday our best Seattle friends had their wedding ceremony in Troy, MI. We flew out first class to Michigan on Thursday and I LOVE 1st class mostly because of the food but all of the other perks are good too :) We spent Thursday night Davis with Sushil and I with Nisha at their respective parties getting methi, Indian tattoos or henna. Sushil convinced Davis to get THUG on his fingers...Davis thought it would only last 2 weeks, but I think it lasts more like 2 months, oops! We then joined forces at a bar and celebrated together.
Pre-wedding shot
Friday was rehearsal and lunch for the bridal party which we attended since Sushil's day consisted of spiritual things they didn't think Davis would be up for. Dinner/Lunch was delicious and then on to the only thing to do in Troy apparently or so the girls said....the mall.
Saturday was the BIG day. Indian weddings are much different than American weddings obviously and one of the coolest things was the parade around the parking lot dancing to get the groom excited. This was traditionally done on horse, but theirs was done in a BMW some things change with time :) The ceremony and reception was gorgeous! We had a blast!
my new dress that I made
Sushil at the beginning of his parade
dancing around the parking lot
their program was a scroll
the beautiful bridesmaids sari
beautiful bride
happy couple exiting
yum yum
Sushil and Davis doing the Sushi dance
the Seattle girlies
our BEST brown friends
I love this man
Sunday started at noon with Coney Island hot dogs and chili and DQ dipped cones. After all of this deliciousness we headed to the airport for Seattle.
What a great weekend with great friends and great FUN! Congratulations guys!
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