Yesterday our best Seattle friends had their wedding ceremony in Troy, MI. We flew out first class to Michigan on Thursday and I LOVE 1st class mostly because of the food but all of the other perks are good too :) We spent Thursday night Davis with Sushil and I with Nisha at their respective parties getting methi, Indian tattoos or henna. Sushil convinced Davis to get THUG on his fingers...Davis thought it would only last 2 weeks, but I think it lasts more like 2 months, oops! We then joined forces at a bar and celebrated together.
Pre-wedding shot
Friday was rehearsal and lunch for the bridal party which we attended since Sushil's day consisted of spiritual things they didn't think Davis would be up for. Dinner/Lunch was delicious and then on to the only thing to do in Troy apparently or so the girls said....the mall.
Saturday was the BIG day. Indian weddings are much different than American weddings obviously and one of the coolest things was the parade around the parking lot dancing to get the groom excited. This was traditionally done on horse, but theirs was done in a BMW some things change with time :) The ceremony and reception was gorgeous! We had a blast!
my new dress that I made
Sushil at the beginning of his parade
dancing around the parking lot
their program was a scroll
the beautiful bridesmaids sari
beautiful bride
happy couple exiting
yum yum
Sushil and Davis doing the Sushi dance
the Seattle girlies
our BEST brown friends
I love this man
Sunday started at noon with Coney Island hot dogs and chili and DQ dipped cones. After all of this deliciousness we headed to the airport for Seattle.
What a great weekend with great friends and great FUN! Congratulations guys!
Belle loves Dear, it is her favorite toy besides.... ball and she can't really decide between the two so she tried to play with both! their cookies fresh from the bakery
We spotted the first cruise leaving the port yesterday and it was super exciting because it means summer is here although as you can tell in the picture it was a pretty gloomy Seattle day, BUT know we know the sun is out there somewhere trying to peak through!
Davis come home from Boise a day early and we celebrated our anniversary by dining out at the Cheesecake Factory, yum yum! Saturday we hosted the Gupta's a wedding shower at our place and it was a blast! We had 18 people and lots of great gifts, stories, and games! Having 13 bottles of wine and champagne we headed to Beth's for breakfast burgers and endless hashbrowns, yummy! We did have sober drivers, don't worry :)
It was a great event and we are sooo thankful for the friends we have made and can't wait to spend this weekend in Michigan with them as the unite! Congratulations Sushi and Nish!
the awesome couple
Nish and me
Frankie, Andres, Karolina, and Farah
BFFs - I feel like a montage of quotes is needed here so for the few of us that understand.... "I'm Drinking" "What time is it?" "Like a Carryout" "Twoty fifty you HOT" "Really" "We could all wear Fossil watches" "My chick hood" "Fire Power" "Is he talking to me" "I'm Funny"
Today I was surprised with flowers and they are beautiful so I thought I would share!
Thanks Dave!
I fixed this molten cake on Sunday so that we could enjoy it together before Davis left and I thought I would share the recipe because it was super easy and delicious! Click Here for the recipe. Enjoy :)
This week Davis is in Boise, Idaho sounds like fun, huh? This is a great opportunity for me to sew like a mad woman which I guess I have kinda been doing. My dress will definitely be finished by next weekend just in time for the wedding.
Tomorrow is our anniversary....BIG 3 years! Davis is gone so not much is going to happen in the way of celebrating on our actual day, but really what does that matter? If he would have been in town it is Magic: The Gathering night anywho so he would have felt compelled to stay home so at least it's work that's keeping him from playing :) We don't have any exciting plans for our anniversary, but we are going to Sushil and Nisha's wedding next weekend in Michigan so that is considered our anni trip this year....hopefully Michigan will be cool! It's comewhere new at least and the wedding is open bar so no complaining there!
Not to be all mushy gushy BUT I do have to say that I couldn't have ask for a better man to share my life with. He makes me laugh daily and that's really all you need oh, and I guess love too! I love you Dave and miss you!
Davis - if you read this, don't let me forget our video since you are not in town...we will have to do it this weekend!
For those of you who are curious....we have a yearly tradition of recording a video on our anniversary of the past year occurences and what we have learned etc. I think it will be really cool for our kids to have one day :)
I cook all the time for those of you who do not know. I make some amazing things but forget to take pictures, but this week I did take pictures of 2 concoctions.
This is spaghetti noodles with cheese, jalapeno sausage, and breadcrumbs baked and it was delicious!
I love homemade muffins of any kind. This week I made blueberry muffins and they were yet added to the list of favorites! I don't think there is a muffin out there that I don't like :)
Saturday night was the Seattle Pacific University's 3rd annual fashion show. I participated last year because my good friend Carly put the show together well this year she was just a model in the show but reach out for my help so willingly I helped and it was a great show. The show was much improved from last year and I am sure it will only get better in the coming years as it is a fairly new event still. Here are some pictures from last night's event.
my fav dress
Carly in a super cute dress
me in the Target dress
me in a dress completely made out of mens button ups