Sunday, May 22, 2011

Birthdays and Bands

A nerdy birthday party....count me in! Friday was Michelle's scientific birthday party and it was a blast. The highlight of the night was the egg drop competition because all scientists are competitive in nature. The rules...make a vessel that will carry an egg safely on an adventurous 4 story drop from a rooftop. My idea....this was seriously an "I'm running late what can I buy on my way out the door at the market downstairs", so I bought a carton of icing and stuffed an egg in the middle!

Did it work?

NO, a lesson to all of you! Although the silver cylinder you see is full of jello and totally protected it's egg!

yes, that egg was protected as well...I don't know if it counts when there a bag to help the blow!

PB&J's anyone
the element cupcakes
candy necklaces
from geek to hipster
it was now time to see The Good Hurt...with these beautiful ladies
We had a nightcap with Davis and his crew at Amber's to end the night. And I had a final dance with this man!

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