Friday, August 13, 2010

My last Viv day

Yesterday was a sad day, it was my last day with Viv. It's not the last time I will see Viv as we (her family and I) are going to try our best to keep me in Viv's life starting by keeping her next Friday night. It definitely will be different not seeing her every week, but hopefully I will be in her life enough that she won't forget me :( because that would be very sad!

Since yesterday was our last day together to play especially outside, I took a billion pictures :)

that stick was her fishing pole

playing with Cindy's flip-flops

taking a rest
showing me that you sleep with your eyes closed

mom's hoodie

Can you dance like this?

I am going to see how this works

This is a pre-school song that teaches them to keep their elbows off the table
"Mable Mable strong and able, keep your elbows off the table"
she likes to put her elbows all kinds of places and substitute other words for table

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