I have a lot to blog about so I might be making many posts today, but I first wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! I wish everyone a great day of relaxing, great food, and great company. Thank you to everyone who thought of me and Davis on this special holiday!
Thanks to Davis for helping me cook although he sometimes feels my efforts are wasted since it's just the 2 of us! I love eating so I love cooking. AND I LOVE IT WHEN SOMEONE esp my husband HELPS!
Yesterday, Davis and I spend a good 3 hours in the kitchen cooking all kinds of appetizers and today we will spend so more hours cooking a roast, potatoes, cobbler, and more (& yes it is just for us)!
We also enjoyed talking to our families via webcam yesterday and watching A Christmas Story (Davis had never seen this movie and it is a must)!
our first tree
Our family with our 1st tree
Dave and I in the kitchen cooking
our Christmas Eve grub
Davie even wore an apron for me...he is a good sport
Christmas Eve view
apparently everyone wants ripe bananas the day before Christmas Eve....so I bought these green bananas (FYI green bananas do NOT peel), but I did learn that you can put green bananas in a paper bag with a tomato or an apple and it will ripen within 24 hours
our tree
Christmas day Rib Roast...yum!
Christmas time at the market
Christmas morning..this picture is for everyone who has ever seen me first thing in the morning when their excited about presents and I just want to sleep....(this is pretty much my Easter and Christmas face, at least it's only the 1st picture and then I get excited) and this is my sleepy excited face (notice Beast is hanging rope off the side of the sofa teasing Belle) Beast might be a mom's dog, yay a salad spinner new gloves
our cute kiddos this picture is too cute Davis opening nerd cards new toolbox starting the food for the day
1 comment:
looks like u r cooking with gas,143, talk with u later scooter.
1 comment:
looks like u r cooking with gas,143, talk with u later scooter.
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