Friday, November 27, 2009

Turkey Day in Seattle

Remember that Thanksgiving.....

This was our quote for this Thanksgiving...don't ask, Dave and I do random things.

So, remember that Thanksgiving:

  • when we took showers in the dark (to commemorate the day because we didn't think there would be another to remember this particular Thanksgiving)
  • when I was so upset with you because Thanksgiving wasn't all about food and family to you
  • when I stuffed myself sooo full that I vomited and you thought it was hilarious because I thought Thanksgiving was all about the FOOD
  • when we ate our turkey and dressing watching the Dark Knight
  • when our dessert consisted of Peanut Butter Chocolate Milkshakes with Marshmallows
  • that you got to play video games all day because I was sick in bed
  • that even though I stuffed myself at lunch and you thought we wouldn't want to eat dinner...I still wanted you to cook Veggie Soup for dinner
  • We planned out our black Friday shopping spree and it consisted of free breakfast at IKEA
Man, what a GREAT Thanksgiving! I love you and I am so thankful that I have you.

I am also thankful for all of my wonderful family back home and all of my friends everywhere! You guys mean the world to me and I missed being able to spend the day with you. Luckily I have a very entertaining husband! :)

Our Milkshakes bring all the boys to the yard
Turkey Roulade

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