Monday, January 2, 2012


Happy New Year!
It's 2012!  This is a year of change for me and Davis.  I am changing jobs...going to work for Davis, this means we will see each other a lot more!  We will be on the road more and at home less.  We no longer have the dogs, although they are being loved and cared for by family ;)
Here's to 2012 and the many changes it will bring....

 doing the Sushi

Sunday, January 1, 2012

I'll be home for Christmas

I spent the last 2.5 weeks in Tennessee and I can't put into words how awesome it was to be home for that long!  I probably enjoy family time more than any other person in the world!  

The pictures sum up most of what I spent my time doing.  I did get to frequently visit Cracker Barrel :)

 our present to the kids

 I tried it out and it was pretty fun!

 Jonas and the chief
 Aaron and the chief

 all mamaw's grandkids

I love you all!  I wish I would have taken more pictures, but then again I never feel like I took enough.  There are so many wonderful memories made every trip!  I didn't take any with the Cancun crew or Lauren and Caroline (the girls I kept during college).  

Happy Holidays!  I hope everyone's was as great as mine!

Thank you everyone for all the wonderful gifts, meals, and time!